December 13, 2006

House Husband

So Lee had a vacation day yesterday, I think as a comp. day for having to work all day on Saturday. It worked out well because he was able to come to my Dr. appt with me. He says he wanted to go because he likes to watch when they put the scope up my nose, but I prefer to think he is going with me to be a good supportive husband, and the nose thing is an extra bonus to him. As it turns out, the scope was having a problem, so after Dr S. tried it once he relented and just looked down my throat using the mirror on a stick thing. The appt went well, and I happen to think that my voice is great. Lee and Dr. S were not quite as enthusiatic about the quality of my voice, but it should keep improving. It has only been just over a month since the radiation ended.
Lee was also able to go to lunch at Teddy's school, for bring your parent to lunch day. He actualy enjoyed the speggetii and meatballs on a plastic tray... I'm glad my husband isn't picky about his food..
About an hour after Lee left school and headed to the mall, the school nurse called me at work to let me know that AFTER recess Teddy had come in with a stomach ache... hmmm... The school nurse is terrible in a lot of ways, and I have never really been fond of her. She does nothing to encourage the kids' back to class, nor is she able to tell you on the phone if your kid is really sick or not... so, despite the fact that I had just gotten in to work I had to leave and go pick him up.
I had to remind Teddy and the nurse that the last Lee had come to lunch at school the same thing had happened. Teddy must get some kind of anxiety about his dad, and being at school - he is such a worrier...
He got home and read Calvin and Hobbes on the couch for an hour and annouced that his stomach ache was gone and he was ready to go outside and play.

December 11, 2006

Parenting Hot Line

Every parent should receive with their child, a free 24 hour hot line phone number that is always staffed with the leading experts on all child issues - not just drugs and bullies, because those are the easy ones and there are a lot of self help books for that. I am talking about the daily problems, the self esteem, -
the being afraid to shoot a basket at basketball practice because I don't know how to shoot and everyone else on the team seems to know already - and how did they find out how to shoot and no one ever told me - I must be stupid and they must be smart ....
or how about the clubs and friendship scrimishes on the play ground - one day you're the president of the club, the next day you're not in the club...
How is a parent supposed to even know what to say, it is hard to give your child advice, be supportive and understanding. I just don't know what to say to them anymore...
Teddy cries at night that he never wants to grow up and he is afraid to get older and he wishes he could stay little and safe forever... in my heart, I wish that he didn't have to grow up either,

December 9, 2006

Carolyn' s Cure Update

I know that I said I wasn't going to write about me anymore, but I thought I would let my fans know that I am nearly 100% back. My voice is stronger and clearer than it has been in a few years. I do wonder if my hoarse voice has been cancer cells forming for many years..? Anyway, I am talking and talking... and only tired at the end of the day. I had my first head ache and it took me completly by surprise. I realized that it is the first time in many months that I have not taken some kind of pain killer all day. So, no more advil for me.
Also, I ran (and a little walked) three miles at the gym yesterday... it felt great!