Please do not confuse (ha, good word) this with Alzheimer's. NARF is not about forgetting the faces of your family or what year it is. NARF is standing in the basement for a full 30 seconds with no idea why you are there and no idea how you got there!
My research tells me that there are lots of reasons for NARFing, the most easy to cure being not enough sleep, too much stress, poor diet and exercise - so tell me something that I don't know, right?
Actually there is a way to prevent NARFiness, brain exercises. I read that and I panicked! That can't be true - I cannot be reading this in September. September is the absolute lowest month for brain exercises.. all the new shows premiere. How can I be doing the NY Times crossword puzzle in pen if I am watching Survivor? Does eating fistfuls of popcorn while staring intently at The Biggest Loser while flipping over to a prerecorded episode of The Amazing Race count as exercise??
Alas, the mental olympics shall have to wait until January when all my shows take a break. I can do Soduko's during American Idol.