May 28, 2008

The good, the bad and the ugly

So, because I know that it is healthier to view life from the positive side, I will begin with the good. Good that I made it through a 13.1 mile half marathon road race. Good that I trained and was prepared and good for me that I have achieved a milestone. It feels good to be able to tell people that "I did it".
It feels bad to think about how totally slow and miserable I was. I really have never considered myself a complainer, but omg! - that was really hard. It was hard to be out there alone for so long and it was hard to keep running... I didn't always keep running either... I sometimes walked and that is bad. I am trying to stay focused on the good, on the accomplishment and on having it over with. However, sadly I know that I will have to try this again, because my time was really bad and really slow, even for a slow mama like me.
The race was hot and I have been nervous for days... it was long! I stayed with Suzanne, my fabulous running partner until about mile 7, and then we had to break up. I just couldn't keep up with her. She is insisting that my issues are all in my head and my body was completely prepared to run with her.
The ugly is my toes. Especially ugly is my big toe on my right foot. Interesting because my toes on my left foot have been blistering for a few weeks. I have been keeping my shoes tied fairly loosely so that my toes don't cramp or get stiff and I think that my toe got bruised or something from so much trauma (yes, trauma!)
It has been a few days since the race, and the complete pain of it is fading.. I even went spinning last night. I am not quite ready to put another 13.1 miles on the calendar.. hmm.. but I might

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