I spent Sunday preparing for hibernation, getting out the flannel sheets and the turtle necks. I wasn't quite ready to start raking, that will have to wait until the last possible minute. This is the last week of football and soccer, then we start with the winter sports (ugh!).
10:43 am
I am back at my desk and decided to finish up my post for the day.. I just went back and re-read what I wrote this morning.. before coffee and reality had set in...
I do not want to run a marathon - let's be very clear about what I was fantasizing about. I do not want to run a marathon. I think it is very cool that other people (emphasis here) enjoy the silly sport and I enjoy watching them. I do not want to run a marathon.
There has been quite a lot of media coverage this week involving a window in a local hospital. The window has some unusual mineral deposits that appear to look like the Virgin Mary to spectators standing outside on the street.
I have been thinking about it at random times all week.
Is it like cloud watching, and you can make various pictures appear to suit your vision, while staring up at the sky on a cloudy day? Can you find a picture in anything, and then using the power of suggestion relate your picture to someone else, until you are all convinced that you are seeing a miracle? Or, is this truly a sign of the Virgin Mary - and if so, what is that all about?
I was peeling potatoes for dinner last night and I saw a manatee....
(ok , I lie - I didn't do this, but Josh did it twice)
(bad picture from the camera phone, but the ride is called FREAK OUT - yikes)
Instead of this,
Lee and Teddy did this;
instead of this;
and we all left happy and not crying and kicking the stroller - how 'bout that?
Yes, it is a commercial and she is supposed to be cheerful, but it does make me think that there are actually some women (and some men) that actually enjoy being in the kitchen...hmmmm...
I feel like I am always in the kitchen, but I am never there because I want to be there or because I am doing something enjoyable. I am there doing bad things.. washing dishes, making macs and cheese, making cereal (haha, couldn't resist that one), washing dishes, and pushing paper around on the "mail/junk counter" (you know what I mean bc everyone has one of these!)
In Teddy's house it is never Teddy who is in the kitchen... King Teddy prefers to sit at the counter and say things like "I wish I had more milk". He says this bc then he knows that I will stare dumbly at him for a few seconds and then with a look of incredulity pull the milk jug from the fridge and with great dramatic flair proceed to fill his empty glass.. while he tries not to laugh, and all the while knowing that once again, King Teddy is being served.
King Josh however loves the kitchen. I have no doubt that this goes hand in hand with his love for food. He likes to be involved in putting groceries away and he looks to open the cupboards and stare at the food. He also (ugh!) likes to bake and make things. This happens often when he is bored or when his friend Julia comes over. They so enjoy getting out the flour and the baking trays to make bread...edible only after Josh completely covers it in butter or sugar or honey or syrup...
One of those things that I would do if I ever won the lottery - I know I don't play the lottery, so I am never going to win - but just say that I did play and I did win, I would so get a personal chef and they would have to think of what was for dinner and make my specific food craving every day and I would never ever go in the kitchen. I would not even know how to get to the kitchen.