Rejoice! I had the best of intentions to wait until November 1 to turn the furnace on, except that I found that I could barely move around my house on Saturday bc I was so darned freezing.
I had read a few articles last month of ways that families were delaying turning the heat on and then only keeping the thermostat at 60 degrees or some other very cold number... and I wanted to be that family. I wanted to be warm in my slippers and sweatshirt and feel good about the crisp air outside and inside. I found that despite my good intentions I could only crawl under the blankets on Saturday afternoon. It truly was too cold for me to move. Ok, so I didn't try jumping jacks and jogging up and down the stairs to warm up - is that a little ridiculous? Or is that the way that we are finally going to reverse global warming?
I rolled over at about 2:30 am and heard a comforting sound, the warm air coming up from the furnace...
It is so easy to turn that heat on and now I am so much happier in my house.
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