August 25, 2008

Winding down

The wonderful summer is winding down at Teddy's house. We had one last vacation with M and Abi, which turned out to be a lot of fun,
M hadn't been hiking in the white mountains in 20 years and it was so nice to be able to get back up on the mountaintop with her and allow her daughter to experience the fatigue of a long climb and the joy of the summit! Even Josh admitted that it was pretty fun. We did have to coax him down the last 1/2 mile with starburst.
Laboe day at Teddy's house means a day on the boat and Lee's annual 25k around Rockport and then the real school week begins. With football games starting the week after that, the weekends are nearly completely given over to sports.
My triathalon is in a few weeks, but after that I will have to think carefully about committing to another race before spring. The training time and pressure really takes a lot more planning than I can manage to squeeze into the schedule these days,

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