My dh, Lee is quite a great worker bee around the house. Give him an unscheduled morning and the right tools, and most importantly no access to his boat and he can accomplish much around the house.
It all started last week, when the water cooler talk at work turned to lawn care. I was lamenting the poor state of our grass. Although Lee and I would be thrilled to have a beautiful lawn many thing keep us from that.. time, having no idea what to do, and the hesitation to use chemicals where our kids and dogs play..also - we do not have the proper equipment. Not having the proper equipment is a frequent complaint from Lee at our house. So, we were discussing our lawn woes at work and I mentioned to my friend Bill, that he had two aerators in his garage. My husband had spotted them on a drive by his house earlier in the week...
Friday afternoon when no one was home, Bill dropped off his extra aerator at our house. We not only do not have the proper equipment we also do not have alot of "lawn care knowledge". But, given the aerator was delivered, I figured we should use it. hhhmmm... I study the aerator and I consult with Bill. It turns out that the aerator requires a tractor! what! We do not have a tractor despite my husbands desire to own a large John Deere and many acres. What the heck do we do with this piece of farm equipment??
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Interesting to know.
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