November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26, 2008
Last night I had a long discussion with a friend who is a college biology professor and one of the things that she teaches is Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth". She is often depressed over the state of the earth and the near impossibility for humans to reverse global warming. I never would have believed that Americans had the ability to make positive changes in their lifestyle, enough to make a difference in cancer rates.
Of course, some of the trend is due to better research and medical advances. Still, it seems like we have a handle on smoking, and early detection and healthy living.
Is it possible for humans to erase the start of cancer - not just figuring out how to cure cancer?
What kind of world would it be if the causes of cancer were eliminated? no plastics or cleaning solvents? clean manufacturing?
Think of what a different world this would be. It might be the kind of world that could stop global warming.
November 25, 2008

November 22, 2008
Twilight - Movie Reveiw

November 20, 2008
November 19, 2008
November 18, 2008

November 17, 2008
Mom, what was so great about the '80's?

I need to just stop this post right now, because the more I surf the internet the more I realize that the 80's were also pretty bad,
Boy George - what is he all about?
So, I will just leave you with some good 80's memories.

my heart swoons....
November 14, 2008
Guest post today
November 13, 2008
I love my handy hubby!

I might have to go back and add a sound recording to this post so you can hear the hum (loud hum) of the dishwasher. It has been nearly 6 months of no dishwasher.
Yesterday my world was all upset - no computer! I had some kind of disk error and the computer wouldn't start. Last month I couldn't log in because Lee was doing some routine maintenance , de-fragging. This was an entirely different kind of disaster.
Of course, we all know better - back up your computer because when it's gone it's gone. That is what I thought of all day... All my pictures, with no negatives to go back to.
How could I be so stupid and have no backups??? I hadn't run a back up since I got my new computer, for Christmas, four years ago!
Anyway, disaster was diverted. It turns out that I had the system disk for my laptop, which is also an HP brand. My computer is happy again, and of course I spent 2 hours last night making a complete backup of all my pictures - 7 disks full of pictures.
November 11, 2008
My kid likes to twirl
November 10, 2008
Imagine a world without cancer

Inititially this journal entry was titled "Happy Anniversary", marking today as my two year cancer free day. However, despite my treatment being over and my scans clear and my voice strong, cancer remains all around.
My business partner, who is only 47 years old, is unlikely to live to be 50. A mom at school and a college friend, also likely to die within a few years. I completely understand that people are living longer and treatments are more effective and easier on the quality of life... except that why are more people getting cancer?
Sometimes I have felt like a completely freaked out mom, acting as if my kids are allergic to plastic and high fructose corn syrup and sugar free anything. Except that can't tell us the entire picture. There are cleaning agents being used daily in schools, there are high levels of hormones being found in drinking water, Teflon from the waffle maker, and a life times' use of the most basic shampoo and hair gel. Could all these things be piling up inside our children's bodies, just waiting for the kids with the crack in the wrong strand of dna to develop a brain tumor?
If that is true, then is the old argument "there is nothing I can do about it, so I might as well enjoy my ______ " - fill in the blank - cigarette, Doritos, hair dye.. valid?
Lung cancer and skin cancer are a kind of cancer that we can all be smart about and do our best to prevent. But what about brain tumors and leukemia?
When you google cancer you get 31,500,000 hits, google cancer sucks gets 265,000 hits.
The first few pages of cancer sucks links are for sites that are selling cancer sucks stuff... with a portion of the proceeds going to cancer research (of course!). It is big news when a celebrity gets breast cancer, but not so much speculation as to why we get breast cancer and why we aren't doing more to prevent it.
Could the Avon Corporation actually be more effective in their fight against cancer if instead of fundraising for cancer awareness they put all that money toward eliminating the toxic chemicals used in nearly all their products?
So, I will have a healthy day, and be so grateful for my strong voice and my fabulous doctors. I will also be aware of those around me that have not been so lucky,
November 7, 2008
November 6, 2008
14 Days

Teddy won the "guess how many candy corn" contest and so I have been eating those (457 was the winning guess - Can you believe Teddy won a math contest???)

I am going to keep up the no chocolate rule until it seems like I am eating so much other junk, tricking myself into thinking I am better off.
I need to hide the Halloween candy. Last year I put it all in bags in the downstairs freezer, until Josh discovered it and I was finding candy bar wrappers in his pockets. This year there is a frozen pizza box in the freezer, and I will hide the bags of candy inside the frozen pizza box, thereby tricking Josh.. and maybe me into thinking that all that heavenly candy is gone.
48 days until chocolate covered waffles on Christmas day, really not so long.
November 5, 2008
and now back to regular blogging

We roasted pumpkin seeds, which I burned, Josh and Teddy ate a few, then I threw them away when no one was looking.
Pumpkin bread made from the pumpkin pieces,
I gladly, cautiously went to bed last night and then woke up a few times and stared at the ceiling. Should I go downstairs and watch election results...??? No, I told myself, there is no way my team could have lost.. and yet, I wasn't able to rejoice until I got on line this morning and studied the map and read the NY Times.. and now REJOICE!
I am really hopeful for the country, for the economy, the soldiers, so many things... the manufacturing sector - keep my small business busy!
Historic and meaningful and it feels really good to be a part of this change,
November 3, 2008
November 1, 2008
The Candy Rappers

Just when I thought Halloween was a "done" holiday at Teddy's house - meaning it would be a night of candy grabbing and friends and no longer a fun family holiday, Josh comes up with the rapper idea. He recruited Teddy and his friend Chip to join him, no doubt the easy costume was the hook.
Josh and Chip spent the afternoon making up the rap, practicing the chant and the beat box for all the neighbors and made me listen endless number of times.
At last it was dark enough to begin the door to door begging. Teddy was off with friends for the night. Lee and I and Josh and Chip, along with Lexi and Gypsy (dressed as Tom Brady and Randy Moss, with ballet tutu on) began on our street. The rap was given before candy, as Josh quickly learned that extra candy was given for performances. We made it around our street, but it was more painfully slow than you can imagine, so we had to stop rapping at every house. For the next 4 streets and 1.5+ hours we only had to hear a little rapping between houses...
We left Chip off at his house, a few streets away, and the three of us with dogs slowly walked home, encumbered with the heavy pillow case of candy. The weather could not have been better and we all agreed it was one of our best Halloween nights!