Just when I thought Halloween was a "done" holiday at Teddy's house - meaning it would be a night of candy grabbing and friends and no longer a fun family holiday, Josh comes up with the rapper idea. He recruited Teddy and his friend Chip to join him, no doubt the easy costume was the hook.
Josh and Chip spent the afternoon making up the rap, practicing the chant and the beat box for all the neighbors and made me listen endless number of times.
At last it was dark enough to begin the door to door begging. Teddy was off with friends for the night. Lee and I and Josh and Chip, along with Lexi and Gypsy (dressed as Tom Brady and Randy Moss, with ballet tutu on) began on our street. The rap was given before candy, as Josh quickly learned that extra candy was given for performances. We made it around our street, but it was more painfully slow than you can imagine, so we had to stop rapping at every house. For the next 4 streets and 1.5+ hours we only had to hear a little rapping between houses...
We left Chip off at his house, a few streets away, and the three of us with dogs slowly walked home, encumbered with the heavy pillow case of candy. The weather could not have been better and we all agreed it was one of our best Halloween nights!
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