I also love to read all things trashy. I like to read classics, and best sellers, but I always goes back to trashy. I can clearly remember reading (devouring) VC Andrews series, "Flowers in the Attic", the first trashy series that really wasted my time. So, it was with great joy that I read through Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" series this summer. I read them all in about 2 weeks and would be the first to admit that they are the worst kind of books - teen porn - full of teenage first love and angst and (of course) vampires and werewolves.
Twilight, the movie opened at the theaters last night, and I figured out that it would be the last free Friday night that we would have until 2009..
Surprisingly, Lee agreed to go to the movies. He really had no idea what he was in for. However, I read the Boston Globe review and Lee listened to the NPR review, and although the reviewers all agreed that it really was a movie for 13 year old girls, that it was still an entertaining movie.
To make the evening more palatable, we went for some fine dining first, and having plenty of time before the movie went to the theater to get good seats. Upon arriving at the theater more than 40 minutes early, we had to rush to find seats, as more than 50% of the seats were already occupied. Lee sat next to a guy that looked surprisingly like Neil from The Bigggest Loser. Neil looked more unhappy and uncomfortable than Lee, they obviously were both here as mercy dates.
After sitting in the theater for an agonizing 30+ minutes, listening to the hoards of teenagers file in, scream, hug and make bad teenager noises, it was time for the preview. As it turns out, this might be Lee's favorite part of the entire night, getting to see the Harry Potter preview. After 15+ minutes of previews it was time for the show.
The movie, having to fit 500+ pages into 2 hours starts out incredibly slow and never really picks up the pace. The background that has to be given so that the movie can proceed is done as a narrative through the voice of Bella and in their attempt at making her a moody teenager, makes her a bit inconsistent.
Having read the book I was able to fill in the blanks in the movie, except that some of the more interesting dialogues in the book seem to be missing completely. I was not, however interested in the dopey teenagers, I wanted to see the lives of the vampire family, which was not to happen. A few of the scenes were done well, Edward and Bella exploring the forest at top speed, the vampire family baseball game and the hunt of the tracker vampire.
The saving element of the movie is probably the filming technique which makes it more X-files than Beverly Hill 90210. The stark white skin and the red lips of the characters are interesting as is the very close shots of the two teenagers.
Throughout the movie Lee and Neil moaned and groaned and sighed and stared at the ceiling and checked their watches and formulated their revenge on their wives. I realized early on that I should have left Lee at home, but was happy to have his company anyway.
We left quickly after the movie, eager to get away from the high school hallway that was the movie theater at 11 pm last night.
PS - This review would not be complete with out a few words about Edward Cullen (aka Robert Patterson aka Cedric Diggery). Edward Cullen is completely teen heart throb material. He is hot, and moody and sexy and wears lip stick...

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