February 24, 2009

Winter break is over

I have been thinking about this poor little blog for a few weeks, and then I get stuck in the Facebook time warp and have no energy left for this. Except that I do care about keeping my blog going, so without expectations I am back into it.

I had a busy winter at work. The slow down of the economy and the poor health of my partner have kept me very focused at work (hence, no time to blog from my desk!). We seem to have a reached a good balance and are keeping up with the cash flow issues. Let us all hope that this downward spiral ends soon!

I missed my first race of 2009. The Super Sunday 10k would have been my first "repeat" race since I started running last year. I was so well trained and ready, determined to beat my time and finally be a little more competitive and run with "the pack" instead of behind them. Except that all the planning in the world could not have prepared me for my first real injury - not even a running injury. I dropped a chair on my foot and nearly broke my toe. I hobbled to the race on Sunday morning, I still had to go in and support my friend Suzanne. There was no way I could run, I was barely able to walk - complete and total bummer.

That was three weeks ago, and after two unsuccessful attempts, I finally ran a few miles on Sunday. I was so glad to be out there again, but so frustrated by how much I had lost in 3 weeks. In January I was doing 6 miles every week and a few 3 and 4 milers.

Sunday, Suzanne and I went about 4+ miles, but I had to walk a few times.

Really I am not going to let this get to me too much, except I can't wait to go for a long run this weekend and really see how far I can go...

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