September 23, 2008

Change of Season.... Honeymoon is over

I was lying in bed this morning waiting for the sound of the heat turning on. It didn’t happen yet, but any day now the routine and rhythm of the house will change once again. The soothing humming of the window fans will be replaced by the heat turning on and off. I love summer so much that this is a very hard time of year. Good bye beloved beach!

September is also the school honeymoon month. (If only my honeymoon had been a month long!) The reality of nightly homework and the grind of the routine starts to set in and the thrill of a new teacher and classroom fade quickly at Teddy’s house.

We closed the pool on Sunday and the when I look out the kitchen window the expanse of the black cover taking over the backyard is startling. This weekend I will have to move through my closet and fold up all the capris and shorts. Of course, those running shorts get to stay out a few more weeks. This is really the best time of year for running.

I pretty much took last week off from any exercise and when I went out on Sunday my body completely protested! It is not fair to only run long runs on Sunday and ignore my legs for the rest of the week. My run was predictably slow and painful. This week – the honeymoon is over! – every day I will train.. I just need a race on the calendar to train for… something easy?

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