October 8, 2008


Main Entry:

transitive verb
: to reorganize separated fragments of related data on (a computer disk) into a contiguous arrangement
— de·frag·men·ta·tion
\-ˌfrag-mən-ˈtā-shən, -ˌmen-\ noun

Above, is a cut and paste from Mirriam-Webster online dictionary.

This morning I had to "blog" by paper and pencil - because I was defragging (a word that is way younger than me).

I was defragging or my computer was defragging or I (via Lee) was causing the computer to defrag ??
I am not too sure. What I do know is that despite my computer only being a few years old it can have days where it is harder to wake up then nearly-teen Teddy.

It appears that it is just too much of a community appliance - I have an enormous number of photographs, including the many copies of my photos that I make when I am playing around with Photoshop.
Then there are all the Youtube videos that the boys make (incessantly!) and balk when I suggest that once you upload it to to Youtube you can erase it. This is something I just need to do when they go to bed, while I am eating Fruit Loops and ice cream.

I was thinking that defragging would be a modern way to express "spring cleaning".

My house could use some serious defragging right now. I can't go out tonight because I have to defrag. Lee has a list of defragmentation to take care of this weekend. My neighbors are such slobs - they haven't defragged in years...

So if anybody is looking for a new business opportunity -

North Shore Defraggers, Defragger & Sons, Defragmentation Corporation, iDefrag,

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